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Zero Turn Mechanize Track Scraper/Dryer

Zero Turn Mechanize Track Scraper/Dryer




Rock Solid Drive Train

TVC uses NEW Scag, Hustler or Gravely chassis. All chassis American made and use a 23 HP Kawasaki power plants and Hydro ZT-3100 filtered and serviceable hydraulic transmissions. The chassis features a comfortable seat position with great weight distribution and visibility. A drivers umbrella is an option for operator comfort.

Electric over hydraulic three torch 22” scraper

Sturdy scrape system allows both hard scraping and skim scraping abilities. Electric over hydraulic rase and lower controls are at your finger tips. Up to 600,000 BTU of propane power heat is available. Variable allows quality scraping even in cold weather. Propane supply valve is in ergonomic reach this greatly reduces propane usage and creates fewer on track rubber fires. The scraping blade replacements are easily obtainable (TVC house units have utilized the same blade for over 9 months of weekly service). The blade to be flipped and ser viced with out removing from scrape assembly.

Integrated track dryer

The 54” mower deck has been converted to a water mover. Converting the mover blades to high lift suction blades. A 60” live rubber squeegee helps complete the task. Drying an area to scrape or moving water before a race versatility is the name of the game.

Propane bottle mount

Sturdy 100 pound propane bottle mount provides easy to assess means to load and unload propane bottle.

Work smarter not harder

Do the same amount of work as six people with half the man power in less time with a fraction of the fatigue.


  • Slick Tires These tires are much less aggressive more durable than JR Dragster slicks
  • 100 pound propane bottle (Black for better heat soak)
  • 100# bottle warmer, keeps your bottle from freezing, re-warms a frozen bottle much quicker
    than pure sunlight or radiant heat